Video games are good for stroke patients

video games

Dr. Gustavo Saposnik goes ‘Viral’ with his Work on Virtual Reality in Stroke Rehabilitation! According to the American Heart Association, “With more than 200 million media impressions, including coverage from USA Today, US News and World Report, Business Week, WebMD, LA Times, CNBC, MSNBC, as well as great local coverage on a number of local TV stations throughout the country”, UTSP member Dr. Gustavo Saposnik’s article, “Virtual Reality in Stroke Rehabilitation: A meta-analysis and implications for clinicians” published on-line first in Stroke, has received some of the highest media attention out of the studies AHA highlighted this year.”

Click here to read his article:

His study concluded that video games and virtual reality are potentially useful technologies that can be combined with standard rehabilitation for upper arm improvement after stroke.

Click here to find out more: